Rottnest Swimrun is not as simple a competition as it seems

A sport that has been in the competitive industry for more than 10 years. Swimrun involves teams completing a route on land and water. The competition can be considered both professional achievement and an event for fun. The purpose of the competition is to have fun.

This does not mean that everyone will be able to master this race. The long-distance and changing conditions from road to sand and water complicate the process. Plus, weather conditions like the blazing sun don’t make the situation any easier.

Not everyone can stand carrying inventory and not being able to change clothes. Calluses, scratches, fatigue or dehydration can really hurt during a swimrun.

Safety is a priority

If a participant is unable to continue the swimrun at any part of the race, he can ask for help. You can call the number given to all athletes for emergency communication with the organizers of the event. Walk to the hydration station where volunteers are usually present.

They will provide all the necessary help there. After reporting that you have not finished the route, the time chip and strap to our timer are removed by an employee.

In case of an emergency, it is recommended to call 911. Or, if possible, directly contact the medical personnel present at the points along the route.

There are rescue boats on the water for safety. It is fashionable to attract the attention of rescuers by waving your hands above your head or blowing a whistle.

On land, in situations where help is needed and it is not possible to reach the point of hydration/feeding, it is also recommended to blow the whistle. You may also ask other participants for help or ask your partner to bring rescuers.

The entire route of the swimrun is marked with markers. On land, our running routes are marked with brightly coloured barricade tape or a flag tied to clothespins and secured to tree branches, bushes, etc. Directional signs are present in areas such as road/trail forks.

In the water, the guide is the tape for marking the route and the kayak. The neon flags at the exit on the opposite shore also serve as a guide. Rescue boats are also present as a certain reference point. The start and finish lines are marked with branded flags and a large special inflatable arch. There will also be a crowd of people and loud music.

After finishing, the athletes rest, drink, eat and join in the celebration of the event. The results are not announced immediately. All participants are expected to finish the race and the results will be only made.

Knowing the features and problems that may arise during the race, the player will be safe!